weight and mass units online conversion

Weight Conversion Settings

Number of decimal places

Round fraction to the nearest


Free Online Weight Measurement Converter

The Online Weight Converter from Intemodino is a free online weight conversion service that allows you to convert weight units in Standard (US), Imperial and Metric systems. You can convert square inches (sq in), square feet (sq ft), square yards (sq yd), acres (ac), square miles (sq mi), square millimeters (mm²), square centimeters (cm²), square decimeters (dm²), square meters (m²), hectares (ha), square kilometers (km²).
Intemodino Weight Converter is really easy to use and absolutely free.
You can convert weight values in decimal format as well as in fractional format. If you would like to switch input between decimal values and fractions please click the switch button ('⊟'/'▭').
To get the result - just select the from and to weight units, enter the value and click the 'CONVERT' button.
Need to convert fabric weight or textil weight - check our Fabric Weight Converter and Textil Weight Converter

Kg conversion formulas and factors

The kg to t conversion factor is 0.001
1 kg = 0.001 t
To convert X kilograms to metric tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilograms × 0.001 = Result in metric tons

The kg to g conversion factor is 1000
1 kg = 1000 g
To convert X kilograms to grams you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilograms × 1000 = Result in grams

The kg to mg conversion factor is 1000000
1 kg = 1000000 mg
To convert X kilograms to milligrams you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilograms × 1000000 = Result in milligrams

The kg to ug conversion factor is 1000000000
1 kg = 1000000000 ug
To convert X kilograms to micrograms you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilograms × 1000000000 = Result in micrograms

The kg to LT conversion factor is 0.00098421
1 kg = 0.00098421 LT
To convert X kilograms to long tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilograms × 0.00098421 = Result in long tons

The kg to ST conversion factor is 0.00110231
1 kg = 0.00110231 ST
To convert X kilograms to short tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilograms × 0.00110231 = Result in short tons

The kg to st conversion factor is 0.15747304
1 kg = 0.15747304 st
To convert X kilograms to stones you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilograms × 0.15747304 = Result in stones

The kg to lb conversion factor is 2.20462262
1 kg = 2.20462262 lb
To convert X kilograms to pounds you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilograms × 2.20462262 = Result in pounds

The kg to oz conversion factor is 35.27396195
1 kg = 35.27396195 oz
To convert X kilograms to ounces you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilograms × 35.27396195 = Result in ounces

Kg conversion chart/table

1 kg = 0.001 t
1 kg = 1000 g
1 kg = 1000000 mg
1 kg = 1000000000 ug
1 kg = 0.00098421 LT
1 kg = 0.00110231 ST
1 kg = 0.15747304 st
1 kg = 2.20462262 lb
1 kg = 35.27396195 oz

G conversion formulas and factors

The g to t conversion factor is 0.000001
1 g = 0.000001 t
To convert X grams to metric tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X grams × 0.000001 = Result in metric tons

The g to kg conversion factor is 0.001
1 g = 0.001 kg
To convert X grams to kilograms you should use the following conversion formula:
X grams × 0.001 = Result in kilograms

The g to mg conversion factor is 1000
1 g = 1000 mg
To convert X grams to milligrams you should use the following conversion formula:
X grams × 1000 = Result in milligrams

The g to ug conversion factor is 1000000
1 g = 1000000 ug
To convert X grams to micrograms you should use the following conversion formula:
X grams × 1000000 = Result in micrograms

The g to LT conversion factor is 0.00000098
1 g = 0.00000098 LT
To convert X grams to long tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X grams × 0.00000098 = Result in long tons

The g to ST conversion factor is 0.0000011
1 g = 0.0000011 ST
To convert X grams to short tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X grams × 0.0000011 = Result in short tons

The g to st conversion factor is 0.00015747
1 g = 0.00015747 st
To convert X grams to stones you should use the following conversion formula:
X grams × 0.00015747 = Result in stones

The g to lb conversion factor is 0.00220462
1 g = 0.00220462 lb
To convert X grams to pounds you should use the following conversion formula:
X grams × 0.00220462 = Result in pounds

The g to oz conversion factor is 0.03527396
1 g = 0.03527396 oz
To convert X grams to ounces you should use the following conversion formula:
X grams × 0.03527396 = Result in ounces

G conversion chart/table

1 g = 0.000001 t
1 g = 0.001 kg
1 g = 1000 mg
1 g = 1000000 ug
1 g = 0.00000098 LT
1 g = 0.0000011 ST
1 g = 0.00015747 st
1 g = 0.00220462 lb
1 g = 0.03527396 oz

Lb conversion formulas and factors

The lb to t conversion factor is 0.00045359
1 lb = 0.00045359 t
To convert X pounds to metric tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds × 0.00045359 = Result in metric tons

The lb to kg conversion factor is 0.45359237
1 lb = 0.45359237 kg
To convert X pounds to kilograms you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds × 0.45359237 = Result in kilograms

The lb to g conversion factor is 453.59237
1 lb = 453.59237 g
To convert X pounds to grams you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds × 453.59237 = Result in grams

The lb to mg conversion factor is 453592.37
1 lb = 453592.37 mg
To convert X pounds to milligrams you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds × 453592.37 = Result in milligrams

The lb to ug conversion factor is 453592370
1 lb = 453592370 ug
To convert X pounds to micrograms you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds × 453592370 = Result in micrograms

The lb to LT conversion factor is 0.00044643
1 lb = 0.00044643 LT
To convert X pounds to long tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds × 0.00044643 = Result in long tons

The lb to ST conversion factor is 0.0005
1 lb = 0.0005 ST
To convert X pounds to short tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds × 0.0005 = Result in short tons

The lb to st conversion factor is 0.07142857
1 lb = 0.07142857 st
To convert X pounds to stones you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds × 0.07142857 = Result in stones

The lb to oz conversion factor is 16
1 lb = 16 oz
To convert X pounds to ounces you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds × 16 = Result in ounces

Lb conversion chart/table

1 lb = 0.00045359 t
1 lb = 0.45359237 kg
1 lb = 453.59237 g
1 lb = 453592.37 mg
1 lb = 453592370 ug
1 lb = 0.00044643 LT
1 lb = 0.0005 ST
1 lb = 0.07142857 st
1 lb = 16 oz

Oz conversion formulas and factors

The oz to t conversion factor is 0.00002835
1 oz = 0.00002835 t
To convert X ounces to metric tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X ounces × 0.00002835 = Result in metric tons

The oz to kg conversion factor is 0.02834952
1 oz = 0.02834952 kg
To convert X ounces to kilograms you should use the following conversion formula:
X ounces × 0.02834952 = Result in kilograms

The oz to g conversion factor is 28.34952313
1 oz = 28.34952313 g
To convert X ounces to grams you should use the following conversion formula:
X ounces × 28.34952313 = Result in grams

The oz to mg conversion factor is 28349.523125
1 oz = 28349.523125 mg
To convert X ounces to milligrams you should use the following conversion formula:
X ounces × 28349.523125 = Result in milligrams

The oz to ug conversion factor is 28349523.125
1 oz = 28349523.125 ug
To convert X ounces to micrograms you should use the following conversion formula:
X ounces × 28349523.125 = Result in micrograms

The oz to LT conversion factor is 0.0000279
1 oz = 0.0000279 LT
To convert X ounces to long tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X ounces × 0.0000279 = Result in long tons

The oz to ST conversion factor is 0.00003125
1 oz = 0.00003125 ST
To convert X ounces to short tons you should use the following conversion formula:
X ounces × 0.00003125 = Result in short tons

The oz to st conversion factor is 0.00446429
1 oz = 0.00446429 st
To convert X ounces to stones you should use the following conversion formula:
X ounces × 0.00446429 = Result in stones

The oz to lb conversion factor is 0.0625
1 oz = 0.0625 lb
To convert X ounces to pounds you should use the following conversion formula:
X ounces × 0.0625 = Result in pounds

Oz conversion chart/table

1 oz = 0.00002835 t
1 oz = 0.02834952 kg
1 oz = 28.34952313 g
1 oz = 28349.523125 mg
1 oz = 28349523.125 ug
1 oz = 0.0000279 LT
1 oz = 0.00003125 ST
1 oz = 0.00446429 st
1 oz = 0.0625 lb

Friday, January 17, 2025
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